
Install the enginepoker.sql and enginepoker_log.sql MySQL databases as root. Then update the dealer_users table to have the desired username and password you want to use. The password is an MD5 hash.


You need to make sure you use sql_mode = IGNORE_SPACE


Upload the enginepoker folder to the /home directory on your Linux CentOS 7 server. Then using SSH navigate to /home/enginepoker and run npm install. This will install the required node packages. Ensure you have nodejs installed first.

Next you run this node command npm install forever -g.


You need to edit /home/enginepoker/config/config.js to ensure the Game Engine connects to your database.


To run the Game Engine use this command forever -s start game-engine.js


Upload the enginepoker folder to the /home directory on your Linux CentOS 7 server. Then using SSH navigate to /home/enginepoker and run npm install. This will install the required node packages. Ensure you have nodejs installed first.

Next you run this node command npm install forever -g.


You need to edit /home/enginepoker/config/config.js to ensure the Socket Engine connects to your database.


To run the Socket Engine use this command sudo forever -s start socket-engine.js


Upload the back-office folder to the /public_html directory on your Linux CentOS 7 server.


You need to edit /back-office/includes/inc.config.php to ensure the Back-Office connects to your database.

Logging In

First go to the database and change the username and password in the dealer_users table. The password should be an MD5 Hash.

To login to the Back-Office navigate to web server you uploaded the Back-Office code to.


Open the Unity project found in enginepoker-unity folder. Open the StartHere and click on the EnginePoker component that is in the scene.


You need to edit the EnginePoker component to connect to your server that is running your socket-engine.js script.

Ensure you have opened the appropriate port that you want to use for your socket connections on your server.

If developing locally you tick Development Mode in the inspector for the EnginePoker component.


Press play and the game will run.


Upload the content of the enginepoker-html5 folder to your web server in the root director like this your-web-server-root-dir/html5/.


You need to edit the js/config.js file to point the socket connection to your socket server.


Navigate to your-web-server-domain/html5/play.html